We have added a public endpoint where you can access the status of your status
page. To access it, you only need the unique :slug you have chosen for your
The response is a JSON object with the following structure:
in which the status can be one of the following values:
How does it work?
The status is calculated by the ratio uptime / (uptime + downtime) of the last
5 cron jobs of each monitor which we accumulate together. It is a simple
calculation that gives us a good overview of the status of your services.
We are caching the result for 30 seconds to reduce the load on our database.
The Status.Incident will always be returned when then status of any incident
on your page is not“monitoring” or “resolved”. You can attach an
incident to a monitor (implicit) or a page (explicit).
If you have a doubt about the above calculation, feel free to contact us via
ping@openstatus.dev or
React Widget
We currently do not provide any SDK or package to integrate the status into your
stack. But will in the future.
If you are using Nextjs and RSC with the /app directory, feel free to use that
Component. Small reminder that we are using shadcn ui and tailwindcss. You might
want to update the bg-muted and text-foreground classes to your needs.
We are using zod to validate the response. You can use any other library if
you want or just remove it. But better be safe than sorry.